Fashion Showroom

Green furnishing for the showroom in Milan of a prestigious British fashion house.
Customer’s name

Fashion Showroom


Green design of the showroom

Hydro Ware worked closely with the visual designer of a major British fashion house to create a showroom in which indoor plants would speak the same aesthetic and stylistic language as the brand.
The request was to arrange a series of pre-existing planters based on the brand’s minimal yet highly original design.

Green furnishing for fashion

Indoor plants become an element of style

Hydro Ware provided advice, inserting in the environment semi-hydroponic plants, selected to meet the needs of the fashion house’s interior designers, who had identified Alocasia as the ideal solution, in terms of aesthetics and style.

This request was embraced by Hydro Ware which designed the entire arrangement considering important factors for indoor plants, such as the study of light, of vital importance for Alocasia.

Hydro Ware per Fashion Showroom
Hydro Ware per Fashion Showroom
Plants chosen

Semi-hydroponic Alocasia


Chosen for its aesthetics, Alocasia contributes greatly to improving the micro-climate of the indoor environment by naturally regulating humidity. It is also able to absorb and reduce acoustic, visual and electromagnetic pollution.

Care and maintenance

Alocasia is a semi-hydroponic plant, ideal for bright indoor spaces, to be watered according to the gauge inserted in the pot. We check the health of the plant on a monthly basis, removing dry leaves, pruning, fertilising and cleaning the leaves.

Our services are tailored to each
project, depending on your needs.

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Not sure how to take care of your plants?
We can help you.