The Tropical Library

A greenhouse-library, a new habitat where plants and books dialogue and coexist, recreating the humus of fertile intermingling, exchanging approaches and distances, spreading seeds and words, images and essences to be reborn elsewhere.
A unique collection, the result of choice and chance, with a lowest common denominator: tropical plants in medieval herbals, scientific treatises, literary curiosities and more.
Books that tell of many visions of the world, in distant times and places, to overturn the anthropocentric perspective and recognise the human being as part of the nature system.

The Tropical Library

A greenhouse-library, a new habitat where plants and books dialogue and coexist, recreating the humus of fertile intermingling, exchanging approaches and distances, spreading seeds and words, images and essences to be reborn elsewhere.
A unique collection, the result of choice and chance, with a lowest common denominator: tropical plants in medieval herbals, scientific treatises, literary curiosities and more.
Books that tell of many visions of the world, in distant times and places, to overturn the anthropocentric perspective and recognise the human being as part of the nature system.

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“Plants at work
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